Airport Commission
Number of Members Appointed by Council: 5
Length of Terms: 4 years
Purpose: To have general authority concerning the lands, monies and properties of the Airport in cooperation with the Federal Government. Meets second Tuesday as called at the Airport.
Dale Hinson
Nominated by: County Council
Appointment Date: 02-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026
Patrick Whitesides - Vice Chairman
Nominated by: County Council
Re-Appointment Date: 01-2025
Appointment Ends: 12-2028
John Davis
Nominated by: County Council
Appointment Date: 05-2017
Re-Appointment Date: 01-2025
Appointment Ends: 12-2028
F. Guy (Rusty) Darby, Jr.
Nominated by: County Council
Appointment Date: 08-2024
Re-Appoinment Date: 01-2025
Appointment Ends: 12-2028
Les Shugart - Chairman
Nominated by: County Council
Re-Appointment Date: 01-2025
Appointment Ends: 12-2028
Membership Criteria: Commission shall consist of five members. Based on an agreement with the City of Chester dated June 30, 1995, the County Council appoints the members of the Commission for four-year terms. The Commission was established by Act 28 of 1975. 1962 Code 2-261,2-263.
February 11 Agenda Minutes
March 11 Agenda Minutes