Catawba Regional Workforce Investment Board

Number of Member Appointed by Council: 4
Length of Terms: 3 years (per Catawba Reg.)

Purpose: Provide policy guidance for and exercise oversight of activities under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Council appointees are in bold print.


Angie Bagley
Nominated by: County Council
Re-Appointment Date: 02-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026
Industry Represented: Public Service

Valencia Bolden
Nominated by: County Council
Appointment Ends: 12-2026
Industry Represented: Business

Eric Ramey
Nominated By: County Council
Appointment Date: 2-2021
Appointment Ends: 12-31-2024
Industry Represented: Business

Leslie Brakefield
Appointment Date: 1-2-2024
Appointment Ends: 12-31-2027
Industry Represented: Business

Membership Criteria: Appointments to the Board will be made by the local elected officials of each county. Appointments will be made according to applicable state criteria and with the Consortium agreement created by the chief elected officials of each county. There are specific categories for membership. The total membership of the Board is 28. Chester County has 4 appointments. (Chester, Lancaster and York Consortium Agreement, June 15, 1999).