Location: 514 B Government Drive
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 580, Chester, SC 29706
Phone: (803) 385-2112 (office)
Coroner’s cell: (24-hours) (803) 374-5758
Fax: (855) 930-3343
Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday - Friday
Chester County Coroner: Terry D. Tinker -
Administrative Assistant / Deputy Coroner: Jenifer Minors (certified) -
Chief Deputy: Bobby Bass (certified)
Deputy Coroners:
Lyle Dickerson (certified)
Bill Baxter (certified)
Jolene Clinton (certified)
Tim Minors (certified)
Dale Holmes (certified)
David Loftin
The goal of the Coroner’s Office is to "Honor the deceased while serving the living".
The Chester County Coroner's Office was completed in December, 2014 alongside the Emergency Medical Service.
"Now we can assure members of our community - including the families we meet with at their time of sorrow - that we proudly serve the living while honoring the deceased." -Terry Tinker
The Coroner and Deputies are available to speak at any function or for any group if there is an interest in how we can better serve the community or prevent any vehicular tragedies.
Any concerns or questions that you may have concerning the Corner’s Office, please feel free to contact Terry Tinker, Chester County Coroner at (803) 374-5758.