Board of Assessment Appeals
Number of Member Appointed by Council: 7
Length of Terms: 4 years
Purpose: Mediate disputes between the County Assessor and a property tax payer. Meets when citizens appeal property tax.
District 1 - John Agee
Pete Burton
Appointment Date: 02-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026
District 2 - Mike Vaughn
Rory McKeown
Appointment Date: 02-2015
Re-Appointment Date: 01-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026
District 3 - Bobby Raines
Bruce E. Truesdale
Appointment Date: March 3, 2025
Appointment Ends: 12-2028
District 4 - Pete Wilson
Ruthanne Levister
Appointment Date: 06-2017
Re-Appointment Date: 01-2025
Appointment Ends: 12-31-2028
District 5 Corey Guy
William M. Clark
Appointment Date: 02-2024
Appointment Ends: 12-31-2026
District 6 - William Killian
William R. King
Appointment Date: 01-2025
Appointment Ends: 12-31-2028
At Large-Erin Mosley
Lyle Dickerson
Appointment Date: 7-2024
Appointment Ends: 12-31-2026
Membership Criteria: The Board shall consist of 7 members appointed by County Council for a term of 4 years commencing on January 1 in the year of appointment. One member shall be appointed from, and be a resident of each of the 6 council districts and the seventh member shall be appointed at large by majority vote of council. (Chester County Code 3-514) Board members shall serve at the will and pleasure of Council and terms shall run concurrent with that of the appointer.