Chester County Rural Fire Commission

Number of Member Appointed by Council: 7
Length of Terms: 4 years

Purpose:  Study and survey the fire protection and control problems in the County and formulate a comprehensive plan for fire control for the County. 


District 1 - John Agee
Darla Jordan
Re-Appointment Date: 01-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026

District 2 - Mike Vaughn
Russ Collins
Re-Appointment Date: 1-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026

District 3 - Bobby Raines
Eugene Hudson
Appointment Date: 03-2021
Re-Appointment Date: 01-2025
Appointment Ends: 12-2028

District 4 - Pete Wilson
Andy Martin
Re-Appointment Date: 02-2021
Appointment Ends: 12-2024

District 5 - Corey Guy
Nettie Archie
Appointment Date: 09-2024
Appointment Ends: 12-2026

District 6 - William Killian
Donald Trowell
Appointment Date: 4-2021
Re-Appointment Date: 01-2025
Appointment Ends: 12-2028

At Large - Erin Mosley
Jay Williams
Appointment Date: 1-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026

Membership Criteria: Membership shall consist of 7 members who shall be appointed by County Council for terms of 4 years, commencing on January 1 in the year of appointment. One member shall be appointed from, and be a resident of each of the 6 council districts, and the seventh member shall be appointed at large by majority vote of Council. One member shall be from an insurance sector, at least two members shall have firefighting and/or fire training experience. Two members shall be from the business community and two members shall be citizens from the general public. (Chester County Code 3-526) Board members shall serve at the will and pleasure of Council and terms shall run concurrent with that of the appointee.