Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission

Number of Member Appointed by Council: 7
Length of Terms: 4 years

Purpose: To advise the Chester County Council on matters pertaining to parks, facilities,
recreation programs, rules, regulations, fees and charges.  Promoting park and recreation activities, assist in the location and development of recreation facilities and programs.


‍‍‍District 1 - John Agee District 2 -Mike Vaughn
David Loflin Justin Temple - Chairman
Appointment Date: 01-2023 Appointment Date: 01-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026 Appointment Ends: 12-2026

District 3 - Bobby Raines District 4 - Pete Wilson
Thomas Jordan Laura Roberts - Secretary
Re-Appointment Date: 05-2025 Appointment Date: 08-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2028 Re-Appointment Date: 01-2025
Appointment Ends: 12-2028

District 5 - Corey Guy District 6 - William Killian
Toni Perrigan Hiawatha Clifton - Vice Chairman
Appointment Date: 5-2023 Appointment Date: 02-2021
Appointment Ends: 12-2026 Re-Appointment Date: 01-2025
Appointment Ends: 12-2028

At Large - Erin Mosley
Forest Baker
Re-Appointment Date: 2‍‍‍-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026

Membership Criteria: The board shall consist of 7 members with one member to be appointed from each of the council districts within the county, one member to be appointed at large. Members shall serve for a period to coincide with the current term of the council member recommending such appointment, unless a shorter term is provided.

Parks and Recreation Meetings


January 13 Agenda Minutes
February 10
Agenda Minutes