Lando Fire Protection District

Number of Member Appointed by Council: 5
Length of Terms: 4 years

Purpose:  Establish, manage and operate the Lando Rural Fire District. 


Jamie Bowman
Nominated by: County Council
Appointment Date: 02-2016
Reappointment Date: 02-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026

Mary L. Hall
Nominated by: County Council
Appointment Date: 02-2024
Appointment Ends: 12-2026

Shawn Meredith
Nominated by: County Council
Appointment Date: 02-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026

Brad Jordan
Nominated by: County Council
Appointment Date: 02-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026

Richard “Whit” Gulledge
Nominated by: County Council
Re-Appointment Date: 02-2023
Appointment Ends: 12-2026


Membership Criteria: Membership shall consist of 5 members who shall be appointed by County Council and who must be residents of the area encompassed within Lando Rural Fire District.  (Chester County Code 3-549)